ISO 45001 IRCA Lead Auditor Conversion -course

The aim of this Bureau Veritas's course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third-party audits of occupational health and safety management systems against ISO 45001, in accordance with ISO 19011 and ISO/IEC 17021, as applicable. This course is designed for delegates who have prior knowledge of occupational health and safety management principles and concepts, and the requirements of ISO 45001 and who have completed a CQI-IRCA Certified Lead Auditor Training (40 hours) of any ISO Standard.
Before the start of this course, documents for self-study will be sent . These are to be read thoroughly and exercises are to be completed. The answers will be discussed at the beginning of the course with the tutor.
After completing this course, you will be able to assess the compliance of an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system, plan and conduct external and internal audits. The course deepens the knowledge of ISO 45001:2018 requirements and covers also methods of auditing OH&S management systems.
Successful completion of this training and demonstrable audit practice is a prerequisite to become a registered auditor or lead auditor with IRCA.
ISO 45001:2018 structure, aim, purpose, areas of application
OHS policies, hazard identification, protective measures
Audits (objective, planning, assessment, reports)
Tracking corrective actions
Practical examples and exercises to simulate a real audit
Written exam (e-examination)
Thursday 8:45-18
Wednesday 9-18
Friday 9-18
Miran Gasper, Lead Tutor
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