Etsi koulutusta 👉

Managing Complex Projects

12 tuntia
12 tuntia
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Managing Complex Projects

Managing Complex Projects

As knowledge and technology expand exponentially, organizations are finding that the tools, processes, and methods used to select, plan, and manage their projects are insufficient for the challenges posed by them. Complex projects don’t necessarily follow the rules of traditional projects – in many instances the projects’ end-products, and the methods by which they will be produced, are not easily defined. Stakeholder diversity and geographical dispersion contribute to the difficulties project managers face in their efforts to gain acceptance of project goals, objectives, and changes.

Additionally, hierarchic leadership styles, traditional lifecycle approaches, and traditional project manager competencies may no longer maximize the efficiencies that need to be realized on complex projects.

The goal of this course is to provide participants with a working knowledge of project complexities and a framework for managing the ambiguities involved in today’s fast-changing, competitive, and technology-based environments.

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This course is designed for:

  • Senior project managers who are managing, or are about to begin managing, a complex project
  • Senior managers who lead organizations that perform complex projects
  • Sponsors for complex projects
  • Thought leaders in any organization looking to understand the impact of complexity on their organization’s projects

Tutkinto / todistus

IIL Virtual Classroom

Course No.: 1031
Duration: Four 3-hour sessions 
Credits: 12 PDUs / 1.2 CEUs

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