Gustav Stenbeck

Speakersforum, Useita paikkakuntia
Seuraava toteutus
Sopimuksen mukaan katso lisätiedot
Seuraava toteutus
Sopimuksen mukaan katso lisätiedot
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Gustav Stenbeck

Gustav Stenbeck

Today, tomorrow and long thereafter

Entrepreneur and investor, with a focus on sustainable business.

Gustav Stenbeck is the environmental activist that became a venture capitalist. With experience from Greenpeace, multinational corporations and from the startup-world he speaks about how sustainability is changing the economic landscape at a rapid rate and how it affects the way companies do business. Today, tomorrow and long thereafter.

Gustav has a past as Director of Sustainability for Nordic Choice Hotels and was during his time there, appointed as //one of Sweden’s three best sustainability executives//. Today he is an entrepreneur and business executive. He spends all his time and resources in working where sustainability and business intersect. Gustav has hands-on experience of which sustainability initiatives work in both large and small corporations and he is often challenging a lot of the established truths in the sustainability world.

Gustav has a passion for companies and their capabilities for enabling change. When the audience leaves one of his lectures, they do so with renewed dedication and knowledge. Maybe they also leave with the desire to change the world.

//Previous clients, a selection://

Electrolux, The Absolut Company, Schneider Electric, NYU Stern School of Business, SEB, and LOS Energy.

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Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Gustav Stenbeck, klikkaa alta ja täytä yhteydenottolomake. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan koulutuksen järjestäjälle.

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus

Sopimuksen mukaan

  • Tilauskoulutus
  • Suomi

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